1 minute reading time
Updated 01 Feb 2024
Halve-Z is a retro two-column theme for Zola. It features search, taxonomies, automatic color schemes, media shortcodes, project cards, and a comment system (Cactus/Giscus).
Available (extra
) options:
headers are reserved for page title (left/top block) and subtitle (optional, right/bottom block).
In addition to default variables, a page can have an image, a subtitle, a category, a song, CSP strings, and multiple tags.
title = "Example"
date = 2009-09-09
categories = ["general"]
tags = ["tag"]
subtitle = "Example subtitle"
disable_comments = true
disable_toc = true
image = "https://example.com/image.png"
csp_img = ["example.com/", "foo.org/example"]
music = ["Michael Pitt", "Death to Birth"]
variable takes an array that includes an artist and a track name. If LASTFM_KEY
environment variable is present, names are autocorrected and linked to the Last.fm website.
Set theme
to halve-z
in your project's config.toml
and adjust options according to the example below:
base_url = "desolationrow.band"
title = "Desolation Row"
description = "Alternative metal band from Athens, Greece"
default_language = "en"
author = "huskee"
theme = "halve-z"
compile_sass = true
minify_html = true
generate_feeds = true
build_search_index = true
generate_sitemap = true
taxonomies = [
{ name = "categories", feed = true },
{ name = "tags", feed = true },
include_title = true
include_description = true
include_path = false
include_content = true
index_format = "elasticlunr_json"
render_emoji = false
external_links_target_blank = true
paths = "safe"
taxonomies = "safe"
anchors = "safe"
locale = "en_US"
logo = "icon-192x192.png"
manifest = "manifest.json"
read_time = true
toc = true
csp = true
tags = false
subtitle = false
title = "Desolation Row"
subtitle = "Alternative metal band from Athens, Greece"
glitch = false
logo = { enabled = false, height = "100", width = "100" }
footer = true
home = "highres-1.png" #https://failsafe.monster/c1tyh4ll.png
post_list = "bk-prk.png" #https://failsafe.monster/bk-prk.jpg
default_post = "bk-prk.png" #https://failsafe.monster/bk-prk.jpg
links = [
{ name = "Bio", url = "/about/" },
{ name = "Releases", url = "/releases/" },
{ name = "Merch", url = "https://desolation-row.bandcamp.com/merch" },
posts = true
posts_label = "News"
enabled = true
author = true
copyright = true
hash = true
stack = true
links = [
{ name = "contact us", url = "/contact/" },
youtube = "UCKcbNZqPT5XJqGu3DZw0Nrw"
spotify = "https://open.spotify.com/artist/6OMrodF0aG0g8Nj32sCZpj"
applemusic = "https://music.apple.com/us/artist/desolation-row/1707678367"
bandcamp = "https://desolation-row.bandcamp.com"
facebook = "desolationn.roww"
instagram = "desolationrow._"
tiktok = "desolationrow._"
system = "none"
site = "site_name"
page_size = 10
guest_posting = true
update_interval = 0
repo = "user_name/repo"
repo_id = ""
category = "Comments"
category_id = ""
mapping = "pathname"
strict = "1"
reactions = "1"
lang = "en"